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About Us



Retreat Bela Natureza houses people looking to connect with all types of nature in order to unwind, destress and heal. The unique placement of the retreat center enables our clients to benefit from a beautiful environment, holistic healing and animal love.


Proprietor Dr. Evelyn Hartoch says she hopes guests will be able to connect with nature and find companionship with the center's trained dogs that live on-site. "The unconditional love of dogs provides us with an opportunity to relax and learn from them. This sort of love is very different from the love we get from human interactions," Evelyn says. "It is very important to us that every single animal is an individual, and realising that fact allows us to develop the understanding, appreciation and respect that we have for the animal world."


Hartoch is also the director of Sítio Folha d'Água, a ten-year-old retreat center that offers the same services minus animal therapy. "I believe in the loving healing power of nature. My dream is that more people become integrated into this powerful unique love for the good of all and our planet," she says.


Retreat Bela Natureza is open all year for clients to schedule retreats or rent the facility for events, and is located 28 kilometers away from Salvador International Airport. A small beachside town is just a short drive away with shops, restaurants, grocery stores, and much more.


Room prices depend on the season, so please contact us for more information.