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Welcome to our family of dogs!

Here at the retreat we have a wonderful group of loving, affectionate, and well trained dogs, a real family of dogs! Their differing personalities will surprise you as you spend more and more time with them and notice all their different characteristics.

Three generations of a real family, and three adopted dogs.


You'll be amazed at how independent and intelligent the dogs are and how, most of the time, they're busy communicating with each other. Because they are a family and grew up together, they've developed a sort of hierarchical behaviour among the group that is quite similar to a wolf pack in nature.


They don't demand much from us humans, and mainly ask for attention when feeding time begins or when they want some stroking and affection. They also enjoy being nearby to us, without disturbing whatever we are doing, and love to have a nap close to where we are.


There are seven males and nine females in total, which gives the pack a great balance. Some dogs are older including the alpha male and the matriarch, and others are younger. These dogs look out for each other, and will eventually look out for you. All of the dogs consistently receive the necessary veterinary care and attention. If you are interested in finding out more about dog health and behavior, you have the opportunity to do that together with us.


We are excited to welcome you into their lives and them into yours. Open your heart to them and the healing possibilities will be endless.