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We have two charming bungalows designed in the style of the indigenous "Oca" constructions, built using the traditional adobe technique and with thatched roofs; a suite with a private veranda; and a "redário" (room for multiple hammocks), all in the midst of nature. All are very comfortable, with private bathrooms and modern facilities.


We can make these accommodations available, as well as offering the possibility of camping beneath leafy trees or recommending lodging in nearby guesthouses with transportation.


The retreat's guest houses are situated in tranquil places. They are ideal for animal lovers and those who wish to destress from the urban daily rush, as well as for those who would like to have a productive retreat in nature, with functional modern facilities and excellent environmental comfort. Artists, writers, academics, Masters' and Ph.D. candidates, and any other scholars wishing to spend a fruitful period of solitary activity will feel lovingly welcomed by this harmonious location.


It is convenient to have a car at your disposal in order to get to know the beautiful beaches along the Estrada do Côco highway. There are also other tourist spots in the region, or you can join the excursions and guided tours that are offered.


