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Scientific consultancy

Scientific consultancy in the socio-environmental disciplines for theses, research projects, academic production and productive retreats.


Scholars, coordinators of academic projects, undergraduates, graduate students, Ph.D. and Masters' candidates - we all experience challenging moments at the conclusion of our theses or research projects, when we reach the final phase and need to put our accumulated knowledge into words.


Dr. Evelyn Veronica Hartoch is familiar with this issue, as consultant and coach in the socio-environmental disciplines. She offers supervision, counseling and orientation for the important finalization phase of research projects and theses. Her consultancy is creative, specializing in supporting the scholar in clarifying and selecting priorities in the midst of an infinite amount of data and information, all of it very important!


Professional mediation and thematic supervision of dissertations and theses make it possible to identify the most convenient means of achieving the final organization and synthesis of the work. The scientific consultancy is offered in two modalities: by appointment or as part of a guided package at the Retreat. If desired, you can also be introduced to techniques for relaxation and creativity enhancement.


The Retreat's harmonious and inspiring natural environment offer ideal conditions to "de-stress" and expand horizons.
To be able to produce with a sense of lightness while maintaining concentration...  how deliciously favorable for good results! Artists, writers, sabbaticals, and others who wish to spend a period of time in productive seclusion will always be welcome.