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Touchable Love

Let the Brazilian sun warm your body and our loving dogs warm your heart!

"Touchable love" refers to the loving connection between we human beings and the other animals. It is truly difficult to describe, as it is a phenomenon both subtle and powerful: the language of the heart. We can connect to one another through a glance, an utterance, or a caress, but what is being communicated is always the language of the heart, a universal beat shared amongst the living beings of this planet. And it's in this pure connection that we find our motto: "Touchable Love". It's what best expresses that which we wish to offer you in our retreat, aside from comfort and wellbeing.


With our motto, "Touchable Love", we address ourselves to people, because words are our primary form of communication. But this love, which is almost materialized, tangible, has neither to do with humans nor with animals. It arises out of the loving interaction between the two; usually it is the animals who take the initiative and help us to open our hearts up wide.


Smiling faces, happiness that comes from the heart, in these precious moments they help us to reconnect unconditionally with the loving and creative beings we are.


Come and stay with us, let the Brazilian sun warm your body and our loving dogs warm your heart!